Scalable Vector Graphics

SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) are great for using on the web, not only they are scalable and deliver high quality on any screen resolution, they are also code based, which means we can embed and edit a SVG file just like HTML elements.

Exporting SVGs

We can create SVG files by writing the code in our HTML. This would work well for simpler shapes, for more complex shapes in our SVG we can use software like Adobe Illustratoropen in new window, Inkscapeopen in new window, or Sketchopen in new window and export the file, to then use in one of the ways described in next section.

Using SVGs

We can use SVG files as images and embed them in our HTML using <img> tag or background property in CSS or we can embed the SVG code directly in our HTML document.

Embedding the SVG code in our HTML will allow us to access the editing capabilities for an SVG or to add interactivity.

Creating SVGs

For creating a SVG file we can simply create a new file in VS Code and save it with .svg extension and write the code in it. In this case we can use img tag or background property to display the .svg file on our HTML page.

For inline SVG we can write the SVG code into the HTML of the page to create the graphic directly on the page.

The SVG Element

Weather we create a separate file or use inline SVG code we need to start with the <svg></svg> element, which is the container element for the svg graphic.

We can add different attributes to this element like version, xmlns, width, height, preserveAspectRatio, and viewBox to define the canvas of the SVG graphic.

For a .svg file we will write the following element:

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="">
  <!-- SVG graphic code here -->

For inline SVG code added directly to the HTML the version and xmlns attributes can be left out

  <!-- SVG graphic code here -->

Viewport and viewBox

The viewport of SVG is defined by the width and height attribute values, we can also think of it as the area of an SVG that is visible. The SVG below has a viewport of 200x300.

<svg width="200" height="300">
  <!-- SVG graphic code here -->

viewBox is the attribute that defines the area in the SVG in which the graphics will stretch to fit. We can use four values for the viewBox attribute min-x, min-y, width, and height. The SVG below has viewport of 200x300 and the viewBox that starts at the 0 x and 0 y coordinates with the same width and height as the viewport.

<svg width="200" height="300" viewBox="0 0 200 300">
  <!-- SVG graphic code here -->


There can be more content in an SVG out of its viewport. This is a common practice while creating SVG Spritesopen in new window.

Basic Shapes

For adding different shapes to our SVG graphics we need to use different tags.


This element generates a rectangle and will require the following attributes width and height.

<rect/> is a self closing element and since we are writing XML we will need to close the singular element with a / at the end of the element.

We can add more information using the following attributes

  • fill for the fill colour (default black)
  • x for x-axis coordinate
  • y for y-axis coordinate
  • rx for rounded corners with x-axis
  • ry for rounded corners with y-axis
  <svg width="200" height="100" viewBox="0 0 200 100">
    <rect width="200" height="100" fill="#CFBEE1" rx="10" ry="10"/>


<circle/> element is used to add a circle with the required x coordinate cx, y coordinate cy and radius r. We can also use the fill attribute for defining the fill colour.

  <svg width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="#BBF7A2"/>


<ellipse/> element is used to add an ellipse with the required x coordinate cx, y coordinate cy and two radii rx for horizontal and ry for vertical. We can also use the fill attribute for defining the fill colour.

  <svg width="300" height="50" viewBox="0 0 300 50">
    <ellipse cx="150" cy="25" rx="150" ry="25" fill="#F388E8"/>


The <line/> element is used to create a straight line by defining the x and y coordinates for the starting and ending points. Using x1 and y1 attributes for the starting point and x2 and y2 for the ending point coordinates.

The stroke-width is used to define the thickness of the line and stroke attribute is to add the colour of the line.

<svg width="140" height="64" viewBox="0 0 140 64">
  <line x1="4" y1="4" x2="140" y2="60" stroke="#818ccf" stroke-width="4"/>


The <polyline/> is used to create an open shape with connected straight lines, using the points attribute we can specify x and y coordinates for the lines.

The x and y points are presented in groups separated by commas x,y followed by a space and the next x,y group

We can also use stroke attribute for the colour of the line, fill for the colour of the inside containing area, and stroke-width for the thickness of the line

<svg width="20" height="50" viewBox="0 0 20 50">
  <polyline points="10,10 10,50" fill="white" stroke="#ef898b" stroke-width="6"/>

The code above will create a single 6px thick vertical line starting at 10px x coordinate and 10px y coordinate and going to 10px x coordinate and 50px y coordinate or 40px in length

Adding on to the above code, we can define the next x,y group for the next point in this polyline

<svg width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
  <polyline points="10,10 10,50 50,50" fill="white" stroke="#ef898b" stroke-width="6"/>

And more points

<svg width="110" height="160" viewBox="0 0 110 160">
  <polyline points="10,10 10,50 50,50, 50,100 100,100 100,150" fill="white" stroke="#ef898b" stroke-width="6"/>

<polygon />

The <polygon/> element is quite similar to polyline, a polygon is used to create a closed shape with lines. We define different points using the points attribute and use fill attribute for the colour of the contained area between the lines.

<svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60">
  <polygon points="0,20 20,20 30,0 40,20 60,20 40,35 60,60 30,45 0,60 20,35 " fill="#b6e2ff"/>

Styling the SVG

Since SVG is comprised of elements, we can use our CSS file to style these tags. We can also add class and id attributes to different elements in our svg and use them as selectors.

<svg width="60" height="145" viewBox="0 0 60 145" class="ferry-wand">
  <polygon class="star" points="0,20 20,20 30,0 40,20 60,20 40,35 60,60 30,45 0,60 20,35 " fill="#b6e2ff"/>
  <line class="stick" x1="30" y1="35" x2="30" y2="145" stroke="#818ccf" stroke-width="4"/>

Stacking Order

The stacking order of our shapes in an SVG is based on the order in which they are added to the svg element, the order cannot be changed by using z-index


When working with an SVG that has different shapes we can group them together using the <g></g> element. Grouping allows us to animate and style the group of elements together.

<svg width="60" height="145" viewBox="0 0 60 145" class="ferry-wand">
  <line x1="30" y1="35" x2="30" y2="145" stroke="#818ccf" stroke-width="4"/>
  <polygon class="star" points="0,20 20,20 30,0 40,20 60,20 40,35 60,60 30,45 0,60 20,35 " fill="#b6e2ff"/>
  <g class="magic">
    <circle class="bubble" cx="4" cy="30" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="30" cy="4" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="56" cy="30" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="30" cy="56" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />


Reusing Groups

We can add an id to the <g></g> element and then add the <use/> element to reuse the group in our SVG.

The <use/> element has href attribute which uses the id value of the <g></g> element. We can also add the x attribute for x coordinates, y attribute for y coordinates, width and height attributes to the <use/> element.

<svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60">
  <g id="bubbles">
    <circle class="bubble" cx="4" cy="30" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="30" cy="4" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="56" cy="30" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
    <circle class="bubble" cx="30" cy="56" r="4" fill="#ED6E46" />
  <use href="#bubbles" class="dup-bubbles" />

defs Element

Following along the concept of reusing the elements in our SVG we can use the <defs></defs> element to define a graphic.

The graphics defined in the <defs></defs> element will not be rendered on the page until it is added to the page with the <use/> element.

<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="0 0 300 200">
    <rect id="brick" width="200" height="100" fill="#CFBEE1"/>
    <circle id="ball" r="50" fill="#8CC9BB"/>
  <use href="#brick"/>
  <use href="#ball" x="200" y="50"/>
  <use href="#brick" x="50" y="100"/>
  <use href="#ball" x="50" y="150"/>

<text> Element

The text element allows us to add text to our SVG graphics. We can style the text using CSS font properties and some advanced effects.

The best part is that even if the text is in a graphic it is still accessible which is not the case if we add text to a .jpeg or .png file.

<svg width="300" height="100" viewBox="0 0 300 100">
  <text x="0" y="100" fill="tomato">PIZZA</text>


One of the advance effects we can use on the text in an SVG is gradient.

For applying a gradient on text we first have to define a gradient, using the <linearGradient></linearGradient> element and the <stop/> elements.

Inside the <stop/> element we can add the stop-color attribute for defining the stop colour and add offset attribute with percentage value to set where the defined colour should be added.

    <linearGradient id="mygradient">
      <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#9ebb8f"/>
      <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#86f2ed"/>


Once we have the gradient defined we can now use it as a fill on any element by simply using the id of the gradient as value of the fill for an element

<svg width="250" height="100" viewBox="0 0 250 100">
    <linearGradient id="mygradient">
      <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#ff69eb"/>
      <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#ffdc5e"/>
  <rect width="100" height="100" fill="url(#mygradient)"/>
  <text x="100" y="50" fill="url(#mygradient)" font-size="2rem">Colourful</text>




The <pattern></pattern> element in SVG can be used to create repeating patterns out of shapes or images to be used as fill value in other elements. We use the id of the pattern as the value.

We can specify the referencing coordinates for x,y,width and height in our pattern and patternUnits attribute with a value of userSpaceOnUse is added to allow the pattern, reference the element on which it is used.

<svg width="600" height="220" viewBox="0 0 600 220">
    <pattern id="dots" x="10" y="10" width="10" height="10" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
      <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="5" fill="#e59e91" />
  <rect x="10" y="10" width="200" height="200" fill="url(#dots)" />
  <text x="210" y="210" fill="url(#dots)" font-size="8rem">DOTS</text>

We can also use an image as a pattern, for this we need to use the <image/> element inside the <pattern></pattern> element

<svg width="600" height="220" viewBox="0 0 600 220">
    <pattern width="300" height="300" id="pizza" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
      <image width="300" href="/images/svg-mask-pizza.jpg"/>
  <text x="0" y="100" fill="url(#pizza)" style="font-size:6rem;font-weight:bold;">PIZZA</text>
Photo by Nicolás Perondi on UnsplashPIZZA
