CSS Box Model

The Box Modelopen in new window is all about spacing and measurements of an element. Each element we add to our HTML is represented by a box and has different properties we can control to change the size and spacing of each element.

When we want to add space between things we add that space with a CSS property known as margin. We can also add space inside known as padding and a decorative border.

CSS Box Model

Watch CSS Box Modelopen in new window

Watch CSS Box Model 2open in new window

Two Paragraphs

In the code below we have two paragraphs that have given a the properties of width, height, padding, border, and margin.

Box Model as Picture Frame

Let's take a look at this Pen below where we create a nice frame around our image with a little style to the caption. Edit this pen and experiment with the measurements.

Centering Layout - Margin: 0 auto;

The margin property can also be used to centered layout. the auto value automatically calculates the remaining space in between.