CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks are a collection of CSS rules and stylesheets. The purpose of these frameworks is to provide developers with a fast and convenient way to implement styling to websites and applications. Frameworks also promote the idea of reuse and best practices.

CSS frameworks come in many different flavors. There are general-purpose frameworks, like Bootstrapopen in new window and Foundationopen in new window, lightweight frameworks, like Pure.cssopen in new window and Milligramopen in new window, utility frameworks, like Tailwindopen in new window, and vanity frameworks, like PaperCSSopen in new window and NES.cssopen in new window.

The CSS framework stage is constantly changing too. As new frameworks are introduced, outdated ones fade away, and old reliable frameworks get a new coat of paint with major version releases. All this change means developers must be nimble, and able to learn and, in many cases, re-learn how to incorporate a specific framework into a web project. Often the only resource available to a developer is the framework's documentation.

Some frameworks are documented thoroughly while others keep their explanations extremely sparse. In either case, the ability to parse documentation to quickly glean the desired information is a valuable skill for any developer.

The following is a short list of CSS frameworks and why you may want to use them.


Bootstrapopen in new window is a general-purpose CSS framework and is one of the most popular frameworks available today. It is open-source and has a large support community. It is also built with Sass. At the time of this writing, it includes a responsive grid system, an extensive library of utility classes, a wide array of prebuilt components, and powerful JavaScript plugins.

If you are new to Bootstrap, you may learn more about it by reviewing the Official Bootstrap Documentationopen in new window.

Why choose Bootstrap

Bootstrap has many great features, which make it a great choice for building your next site. These features include:

Bootstrap is ideal for:

  • A beginner developer who is new to HTML and CSS and needs to create a site without any hurdles
  • A developer with little knowledge of JavaScript who can still use Bootstrap components without writing a line of JavaScript
  • A developer creating a prototype or small project quickly with a clean interface


Foundationopen in new window is an advanced CSS framework that is designed to get you from prototype to production. This responsive front-end framework provides a grid, HTML, Sass, and CSS UI elements, templates, and code that covers navigation, buttons, typography, forms, and more.

If you are new to Foundation, you may learn more about it by reviewing the Official Foundation Documentationopen in new window.

Why Choose Foundation

Foundation has created an advanced framework by giving developers powerful tools to help them solve most problems they might face. These tools include:

Foundation is ideal for:

  • Skilled and knowledgeable developers who want to create a unique UI and customize the framework


Bulmaopen in new window is an open-source, responsive CSS framework based on Flexbox. It comes with an impressive range of built-in features that facilitate faster turnaround and minimal CSS coding by hand. It implements tiles to create Metro-style grids, resulting in smooth page layouts. Additionally, users can import only the elements they will use, simplifying the process even further.

If you are new to Bulma, you may learn more about it by reviewing the Official Bulma Documentationopen in new window.

Why Choose Bulma

Bulma is designed to be simple to learn and simple to use, which helps developers design and build their sites more quickly and effeciently. Some of the benefits of Bulma include:

  • Cohesive design and beautiful UI components
  • Well-organized stylesheets with memorable class names
  • An intuitive grid system
  • Build on Sass and highly customizable

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSSopen in new window is a “utility-first CSS framework” that comes with classes equipped to build custom UI designs directly in the users’ markup. It is handy to implement inline styling to rustle up a stunning UI without writing any CSS.

Why Choose Tailwind CSS

Unlike frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, Tailwind does not come with pre-built UI components. Instead, it provides the developer with the necessary classes to design their own. Tailwind is a great framework for developers who want to break out from the Bootstrap mold.


Milligramopen in new window is a minimalist CSS framework. This means it doesn't have the extensive library of components and features that are found in general-purpose frameworks. Instead, minimalist frameworks focus on file size. Other minimalists include Pure.cssopen in new window and Pico.cssopen in new window.

Why Choose Milligram

Milligram is for developers who do not need all the bells and whistles and who are more concerned about speed than an extension pre-build component library.

Other Frameworks

There are many other frameworks beyond the ones discussed above. The following is an incomplete list of CSS frameworks.