Saving and Naming Files & Folders

Folder and Filenames

When creating files and folders for the web we use the following guidelines:

  1. All lowercase - all file and folder names must be in lowercase letters
  2. No Spaces - if a file or folder name needs multiple words then use a dash - between them
  3. Start with a letter and only letters, numbers & dashes - The file or folder name must start with a letter. No special characters are allowed in file names. Use dashes - to separate the words, you may use _ as well

It is important to use these guidelines to avoid any issues with the file paths on the web.


this-is-a-file-name.txt or this_is_a_file_name.txt


this is a file name.txt
assignment 1 style.css

Folder Structure

When you are doing work in class or working on assignments it always helps to have a common place to save your files for a class. The file structure that we recommend for your course work is:

- Documents/
        - mtm6130/
            - assignments/
            - week-1/
            - week-2/
            - week-3/
            - week-4/

Inside your Documents folder create a folder for each course. I prefer to use the course codes because they are shorter to type, but you can use any name you want. In this semester, MTM6130 is the course where you will be programming consistently. Stay organized and you will always know where your files are.