Web Development III

Week 1

Development Tools Many different tools are needed when developing web sites and applications. This section will explain how to set up those tools for the different operating systems. We will also gain an understanding of Git and GitHub. and begin our journey of JavaScript.


Week 2

Introduction to JavaScript Javascript is the programming language for the web. In this section we begin our journey by learning the basic of JavaScript.


Week 3

HTML Manipulation The Document Object Model is how JavaScript interacts with HTML, and understanding how to interact with the DOM is vital to get the most out of using JavaScript.


Week 4

Control Flow Control flow is the act of controlling how computer "flows" through our script. In this section we will learn about two control flow elements: conditional statements and functions.


Week 5

Arrays and Loops Arrays are a data type that allows a variable to hold more than one value at once. Loops are a control flow element that is used to repeatly execute commands. In this section, we will explore both.


Week 6

HTML Creation In addition to manipulating existing HTML, the DOM also lets you create and add new HTML elements to the page. In this section, we will explore the different ways of creating and adding new HTML elements. We will also learn how to keep collections of related data together, as well as how to process it.


Week 7

Objects Objects another data type that allow a variable to hold multiple values. In this section, we will learn how to create and work with objects.


Week 8

Study Break There is no class this week.

Week 9

HTML Events A fundamental purpose of JavaScript is to respond to HTML events. In this module, we will learn how to listen for specific events and respond to them.


Week 10

Scalable Manipulation In this section we explore how to retrieve and work with multiple HTML elements using DOM methods and loops. We will also learn to efficently add event listeners to multiple elements.


Week 11

Persistent Data In this section, we will also explore how to use local storage to save data relevant to a user's experience on the site.


Week 12

Asynchronous Requests Modern websites often rely on data coming from an external source. To retrieve that data requires asynchronous behaviour. This section will cover different techniques of making server requests using JavaScript.


Week 13

Work Lab The class time will be used for working on the final project. One on one support will be provided in class.

Week 14

Work Lab The class time will be used for working on the final project. One on one support will be provided in class.

Week 15

Finals Week There is no class this week. Submit your final project