Web Development II
Week 1
GitHub By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- creating a GitHub Repository
- setting up a GitHub Pages site
- creating and using GitHub issues
Week 2
Grid, Flex and Responsive Design Patterns By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- using Visual Studio Code - Live Share
- creating layouts with CSS Grid
- using CSS Flexbox for page components
Week 3
Accessibility By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- testing for web page accessibility
- adding accessibility information
- using tools like ARIA and Schema for accessibility
Week 4
Image Optimization and Responsiveness By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- optimizing images for web
- adding responsive images to web pages
- using browser tools for troubleshooting
Week 5
Transition, Transform and Animation By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- using CSS transition
- transforming HTML elements
- animating elements on the page
Week 6
Complex Selectors, Pseudo Elements and Custom Properties By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- using complex selectors in CSS
- using pseudo elements
- adding custom properties to CSS
Week 7
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- adding SVG to a webpage
- using properties of SVG files
Week 8
Reading Week There will be no classes this week.
Week 9
Frameworks and Libraries - Bootstrap By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- navigating documentation for CSS Framework
- using framework for a web project
- creating webpage prototypes using Bootstrap
Week 10
Continue working with Bootstrap
Week 11
Another look at Media Queries & Web Page Performance By the end of this week, students will demonstrate:
- use of advance media queries
- measuring the performance of a webpage
- improve the performance of a webpage
Week 12
Work Period Students will be given time to work on their final projects.
Week 13
Work Period Students will be given time to work on their final projects.
Week 14
Final Project Submission Students will be given time to work on their final projects.
Students will be submitting final projects by end of the day.
Week 15
Finals Week There will be no classes this week.